Holiday Book List 2018

Looking for a great gift? Books are the perfect way to touch someone’s life, especially if you know their interests and desire to inspire them, especially in the sense of something that lasts longer than a box of chocolates or even clothes might last in someone’s closet. Here is our 2018 holiday list, perfect for everyone you know!


Seeds For The Season: 91 Days of Breakthrough

By: Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.Min., D.D.












A telling and intimate revelation into the “season that changed everything!” Delving into lessons learned, Dr. Marino offers the best revelations she received in a four-year period of time that literally turned her world upside down, inside out, and then back up again.

In nature, a season is ninety-one days long. With God, a spiritual season may be much longer. That might not be what we want to hear, but it’s the truth. The duration of our spiritual seasons with God relate to what He is preparing us for and what is coming for us next, thus He is preparing us in one season for what we will do in our next season. That means as we go through our season, we need to pay special attention to the things that happen to us, the things we learn, and the very heart of change that God wants to work within us.

Come along for a “natural season” and share with Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino in stories and reflections from her spiritual season, which lasted just around four years. God’s lessons touched nearly every aspect of her life, including God’s timing, letting go of past people who were from other seasons, God doesn’t do things as a “crash course,” and beyond. From seeing God’s grace in her difficult dog to noting the need for patience in an abandoned plant outside the dumpster of her apartment complex, Dr. Marino’s reflections are brutally honest, genuine, and revealing to all of us as to how God works in season and out, in the times we enjoy as well as the ones we don’t, and learning to hear His voice in the season you are in, right now.


Put A Stamp On It!: Seventy-Seven Sparkling Stories Showcasing How Stamps Have Intercepted Historical Events

By: Herman “Pat” Herst, Jr.










A long-time bestseller for almost three years at the Righteous Pen Publications group, join in and see the awesome world of Pat Herst, Jr., a long-time stamp expert and collector who changed the world of collecting with his incredible wit and expertise on all things related to stamps and stamp collecting.

WHAT do the Charley Ross kidnapping, the Dunning sale, Britain’s female mason, Sherlock Holmes and the Littlewood’s pool, the founding of the YMCA, George Sloane, and the Madeline Smith Postcard all have in common? Stamps were an important part of these historical events. Even though we don’t often think of stamps in the context of making history, those small, decorative aspects of the mail system are far more than just there to decorate the envelope. At the heart of every letter, every postal moment for hundreds of years, stamps can be found, changing history as we know it. In this book, author and stamp historian Herman Herst, Jr. shares with us about the rich history of several historical events and the way that stamps influenced them. Told with good humor, perspective, and solid documentation, Herman Herst, Jr. offers us insight into the smallest details of the mail industry – stamps – and shows us that history is often staring back at us every time we mail or open a letter. Come along to share in seventy-seven stories where history proves that stamps are the stars, sealing history in ways we would least expect it.


Gideon – A Yellow Lab: A Love Story

By: Nina B. Marino








The first children’s book (and book for children at heart) by Nina Marino, celebrating the love of pets and the connection that we have with our pets, even as they get older. Enjoy the beautiful story of Gideon, a dog who, although he is large, still believes that he is “little.”

Ever since Yellow Labrador Retriever Gideon was a puppy, he has always wanted to be “little.” Even though Gideon is a big dog now, he still remains, in the heart of his owner, Lee Ann, as “little.” Celebrate the joys and memories of Gideon, from the time he was a puppy, until now. Written in a style children can read and embrace and beautifully illustrated with pictures transformed into painting-like designs from throughout Gideon’s life, Gideon – A Yellow Lab (A Love Story) displays the love we have for our pets, as they transform our hearts and lives as they leave paw prints on our memories, long after they are older and bigger, and no longer literally “little.”


Pocketbook of Faith: A Little Book of Encouragement

By: Anthony Sluzas






The first installment of a three-volume series of little “pocket books” perfect to provide inspiration, any time, anywhere.

IS your pocket full? What is in it? Is it money, change, a portable device, or is your pocket full of something else – maybe faith? It might seem like the world crowds and overtakes us much of the time, but when it comes to faith, it is something we should always have ready, accessible, and at hand, because it is faith that connects us to God and makes our lives better.

In Anthony Sluzas’s classic “pocket book” style, Pocketbook of Faith: A Little Book of Encouragement, you will find a special, short, and perfect-sized book to inspire and challenge your faith in new and exciting ways. Easy, accessible, and readable by everyone from the most advanced believer to the newest believer in Christ, this read challenges you to turn over every aspect of your life to God, from personal faith, to believing beyond what we can see, to weathering storms by faith, to the work of the Holy Spirit in our faith. In a book perfect to keep in your pocket, purse, take to the beach or park, read on your lunch hour, or just keep handy for Bible study and personal reference, stir up the great gift of faith that is within you, and watch it make a huge difference in your walk of Christian faith.


The Bible Alphabet: Exploring the Wonders of the Bible from A-Z

By: Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.Min., D.D.



If you’ve got a child who is ready to learn the wonders of the Bible, this is the perfect book for them! Colorful, exciting, and rhythmic in read, this is a great book for any young child who wants to learn more about Bible characters.

Who says learning about the Bible has to be boring? Bible reading opens up an entire spiritual world of adventure and excitement, and if it is approached with interest appeal and fun, children can find a spiritual excitement in an ancient book that is still relevant for today. Come along and share this book with a favorite child in your life and explore the Bible through the alphabet, looking at twenty-six different people, places, and things found in the Bible, corresponding to each different letter. From Adam to Zephaniah, and everything in between, the beauty of Bible people and places are explored through great artwork of the ages, edited as pencil drawings for beautiful illustration, relatable to children. Spark faith in the next generation by sharing this book with them, which will quickly become a repeat classic in your favorite child’s library.


Understanding Demonology, Spiritual Warfare, Healing, And Deliverance: A Manual For The Christian Minister

By: Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.Min., D.D.


An always timely and interesting topic, this book is perfect for anyone who might want to learn more about the powers that be – both divine and demonic – as well as how both operate, interact, and how the demonic is overcome this side of heaven.

The study of the divine and the demonic – and how the two affect humanity – has been a source of fascination and intrigue for thousands of years. While divine interaction with humanity has always brought about the benefit and growth of human beings, demonic interaction is never so uplifting. The demonic realm has caused humans to lose their status with God, venture where they should not, fall into sin, and at times, into places of oppression, depression, and possession. How are the divine and demonic understood in such situations, and how do we fight, liberate, and deliver those when such situations arise? Hailed as the most comprehensive textbook on the topics of demonology, spiritual warfare, and healing and deliverance you will ever need, this writing stands as a thorough and complete examination of matters that relate to all things we encounter, but many that we cannot easily see with the naked eye. Learn about the realms and operation of both the divine and the demonic, spirits and identifying types of spirits, demonology and mythology around the world, the occult, witchcraft and magic, superstitions, spiritual warfare from the perspective of Ephesians 6 and the War Scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls, needed spiritual disciplines, healing and deliverance, having the right attitude about healing and deliverance, ethics in healing and deliverance, regulating healing and deliverance ministry, and helping others maintain healing and deliverance. Designed for classroom use, perfect for discussion and containing textual assignments for each chapter, this book is a must-have for any serious student who wants to learn the truth about – and the proper ways – to handle all matters of spiritual warfare, healing, deliverance, and ultimately, spiritual discernment.


51hCAQZ51hL.jpgPut A Stamp On It!: Seventy-Seven Sparkling Stories Showcasing How Stamps Have Intercepted Historical Events

By: Herman “Pat” Herst, Jr. and Forward by Kenneth Herst

  •  Paperback: 362 pages
  • Publisher: Lee Ann and Veronica’s Publishing (June 1, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1940197384
  • ISBN-13: 978-1940197388
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches

This book has an interesting history. The manuscript was discovered by the late author’s wife one day on a closet shelf, long after the author had died. It contains seventy-seven different stories about stamp collecting, about experiences in the stamp collecting world as a stamp dealer and enthusiast, and about the way that history and stamps often intercepted, even though we might never know otherwise how they were connected. The author reveals the connection between historical events and stamps in several countries, behind wartime and peacetime, and how interests in stamp collecting have brought people together, all over the world, in different times and seasons.

I am personally not real familiar with the ins and outs of stamp collecting, but I am a history nut, so the contents of the book were of interest to me, even though I am not a stamp collector. It was fascinating to hear the warmth, good humor, and insights as the world of stamp interests, histories, and even postal systems and mail have changed from era to era. I also was interested to learn about the interpersonal side of stamp collecting, which the author did well in promoting. When we stereotypically think of stamp dealers or collectors, we tend to assume that they are boring, stodgy people who aren’t interested in much that has to do with life or with dynamics. Herman “Pat” Herst proves this theory wrong, as he interjects real-life stories and situations into his understanding of stamp collecting and history: family incidents, family history, characters who dealt in stamp dealing in the neighborhoods, and a great attention to detail when historical events are told.

Overall, it is obvious to me that the book is a reflection of the true historical gem the author was to the stamp collecting community and to its history. He took deep interest in the hobby and in the business-side of the hobby as well, and this gem of a book reflects five-star purpose in its folksy, memorable, gentle story-telling style.

Book is available at:

Autographed copies can be obtained from the author’s son at